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Hole in the head disease

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Hole in the head disease  Empty Hole in the head disease

Post by carpguru 4/1/2012, 16:40

Hole in the Head
the fish develop small pits mainly in the head.and The
Lateral line regions.the holes are usually white in color and have a yellowish puss trailing from them. The fish becomes lethargic and there colours wash out and they stop eating. Hole in the head disease is cause by flagellated protozoa
and is usually the cause of a secondary infection. And it is only Low levels of the protozoa that causes hole in the head disease in fish.and is brought about by poor water quality and
poor diet. The fish should be isolated in a quarantine aquarium and then treated. Directly with octozin and a high nutritional food

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Join date : 2011-09-21
Age : 161

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